ALECSO is engaged in developing major programs and strategies for preserving and valorizing universal cultural heritage in the Arab countries, and for inscribing it on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It also contributes to the preparation of Arab regional reports, as part of UNESCO’s global reports, such as “The Role of Culture in Sustainable Urban Development” (Habitat III - Quito 2016) and the Arab Regional Report on Cultural Policies for the Achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
To that end, ALECSO takes part in the meetings of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee and the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, with the aim of unifying Arab positions regarding all files under examination, and rallying international support for Arab files nominated for inscription on the (tangible and intangible) World Heritage List. To ensure an optimum preparation of the Arab files, ALECSO uses the services of prominent Arab experts. It also works jointly with the Committee of Arab Experts in World Cultural and Natural Heritage and the Committee of Arab Experts in Intangible Cultural Heritage, and organizes their preparatory meetings.