ALECSO signs agreement to grant Tunisia 2000 tablets

ALECSO signs agreement to grant Tunisia 2000 tablets


The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) announced, on July 19, 2024, the signing of an agreement to supply the Republic of Tunisia with two thousand (2000) digital tablets and twenty (20) laptops, in cooperation with the project partners, namely “Intel”, “Millennium@EDU SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION”, and “jp.ik - Inspiring Knowledge”, along with the Tunisian Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Women, Family, Children and the Elderly Affairs. 

The project aims to support education in Tunisia by providing Internet-connected devices to students and teachers in low- and middle-income communities. It is a significant step towards promoting inclusive education and enhancing the digital abilities of students and teachers in Tunisia.

The (virtual) meeting to launch the project was held in Tunisia, in the presence of the partners’ representatives. 

Dr. Mohamed Jemni, Director of ICT Department at ALECSO and Project Coordinator, conveyed the greetings of H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, to all partners, and stressed the Organization’s commitment to strengthening digital solidarity and providing equal learning opportunities, as well as to supporting countries amid the current global challenges and major digital transformations.

Dr. Jemni presented the general framework and objectives of the project, stressing the importance of this initiative in promoting digital and inclusive education. He indicated that this initiative stems from the keen personal interest of the Director-General, and constitutes an expression of gratitude to Tunisia, the headquarters country of ALECSO. The project, he added, is also aligned with  international digital solidarity initiative, launched by ALECSO at the Transforming Education Summit held  at the United Nations headquarters in New York in September 2022, which aims to promote inclusive and quality education for all, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 4 on education.

Dr. Jemni indicated that this grant, which consists of 2,000 tablets and 20 laptops, will be distributed as follows: 1,500 tablets and 15 laptops for the Ministry of Education, and 500 tablets and 5 laptops for the Ministry of Family, Women, Childhood, and the Elderly Affairs.