ALECSO participates in Panel Discussion on  Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education

ALECSO participates in Panel Discussion on   Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education



The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) took part in a panel discussion, organized by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education, on Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education. 

The panel discussed major educational technological developments, especially artificial intelligence and its uses in education.

ALECSO was represented by Dr. Mohamed Jemni, Director of ICT Department, who offered a presentation, via Zoom, entitled “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education : the Teacher’s New Role”. Dr. Jemni highlighted the large prospects that AI opens for developing educational systems, and the unprecedented potential it offers to meet learners’ needs and upgrade teachers’ performance. 

Dr. Jemni specifically referred to the new Generative Artificial Intelligence, which is capable of performing many of the roles traditionally undertaken by teachers, such as providing educational content and activities, helping in problem-solving exercises, and answering students’ questions. This, he added, requires that teachers catch up with and benefit from these developments, master the new AI technologies, and strengthen their capabilities so that they can develop a new role for them in this new landscape.