Lebanese Prime Minister inaugurates “Tripoli, Capital of Arab Culture” event  in the presence of ALECSO Director-General

Lebanese Prime Minister inaugurates “Tripoli, Capital of Arab Culture” event   in the presence of ALECSO Director-General



Under the high patronage of the Lebanese Prime Minister, H.E. Mr. Najib Mikati, the “Tripoli, Capital of Arab Culture for 2024” event was inaugurated on May 24, 2024. 

In the opening remarks, the Director-General of ALECSO, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, recalled that the city of Al-Quds has been proclaimed “Permanent Capital of Arab Culture”, concomitantly with every other Arab Culture Capital. This gives additional significance to this event which, he added, is an opportunity to rediscover the city of Tripoli and highlight its rich heritage and glorious past, as well as its aspiration for a bright future. He commended all efforts made to showcase the city of Tripoli as a beacon of civilization,  as it always has been, so that it serves as a model to follow by other Arab Culture Capitals in the coming years. He concluded by expressing his appreciation of the excellent organization of this inaugural celebration, wishing every success to all the activities that will be implemented as part of the “Tripoli, Capital of Arab Culture” event.

H.E. Mr. Mohammad Wissam Al-Murtada, Lebanese Minister of Culture, noted that the choice of Tripoli as Capital of Arab Culture for  2024 is a historic event and is good news for Tripoli, for Lebanon, and for the entire region, especially in these dire circumstances. He pointed out that this event should serve as an opportunity for Tripoli to regain its place on the global map of sustainable development, in view of its significant economic and cultural potential, as well as its highly-qualified human resources in all fields. 

H.E. Mr. Najib Mikati, Lebanese Prime Minister, stressed the joint determination to overcome this difficult stage in the history of Lebanon history, to alleviate as much as possible the suffering of the Lebanese  people, and to put the country on the path of recovery.” He commended the significant efforts exerted by the Culture Minister and the cultural bodies in Tripoli to ensure the successful implementation of all the activities related to the “Tripoli, Capital of Arab Culture” event.

The opening ceremony was attended by members of the Lebanese Government, members of Parliament, along with prominent figures and notables from the city of Tripoli.