ALECSO participates in the Conference of the Specialized Arab and African Women Organization

ALECSO participates in the Conference of the  Specialized Arab and African Women Organization




The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization took part in the Conference of the Specialized Arab and African Women Organization, held in Tunis, Tunisia, on May 23-24, 2024, under the theme: “Visions of economic modernization in Arab countries in light of economic and climate changes : Supporting investment and ensuring food security.” 

The Conference was held as part of the commitment of the Specialized Arab and African Women Organization and its strategic partners to serving prominent social, economic and environmental goals, building more peaceful and just societies for all, and working toward reconciling economic growth with natural resource preservation, by supporting investment and achieving food security in Arab and African countries.

The Conference addressed a range of topics, including in particular:

  • Enhancing the participation of Arab and African women in the process of modernization and economic development, and highlighting their role in achieving a successful partnership for comprehensive development ;
  • Benefiting from the experience and expertise of successful investment models, and transferring them to other countries;
  • Encouraging small and medium-sized economic projects to promote women's economic empowerment.
  • Strengthening partnership among civil society organizations in Arab and African countries in response to climate change challenges.

The Conference was attended by specialized experts, businesswomen, entrepreneurs, and representatives of government institutions and civil society organizations from Arab and African countries, along with specialists in agriculture and environment affairs from Jordan, UAE, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, and Yemen.

ALECSO’s participation in this Conference came as part of strengthening its strategic cooperation with governmental institutions and civil society organizations concerned with women’s issues, consistent with its efforts to promote women’s empowerment in the educational, cultural, educational and scientific spheres. 

The representative of ALECSO at the Conference conveyed the greetings of H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, to Ms. Wajiha Jebabli, President of the Specialized Arab and African Women Organization, and to all participants, as well as his wishes for the success of the Conference. She indicated that ALECSO has implemented various initiatives and projects to advance Arab women and enhance their status and role in the process of comprehensive development. She highlighted the need for women’s economic empowerment efforts to be accompanied by educational and cultural programs and initiatives aimed at increasing women’s  awareness and providing them with the skills needed for a more effective engagement in the development of their respective societies.