ALECSO commemorates “Land Day”

 ALECSO commemorates “Land Day”



On the anniversary of Palestinian Land Day, celebrated on March 30th of each year, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) calls on all governments and organizations, and all free people throughout the world, to stand with the Palestinian right and support the Palestinian Cause in order to end the last manifestations of occupation and racial discrimination in our contemporary history.

Land Day is being commemorated this year at a time when the Palestinian people are being subjected to an unprecedented genocide perpetrated by the Zionist occupation using all means of killing. The Palestinian people, including children, women, the elderly and the sick, are also facing starvation, in addition to the destruction of hospitals, schools, universities, mosques, churches, historical monuments and all economic, cultural and social facilities.

The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), represented by its Director-General, Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar,  appeals to all people of conscience to stand with the Palestinian people in order to put an end to this unprecedented genocide, and to deliver emergency aid to the besieged, starving, and displaced people of Gaza. It also calls for enforcing international law, implementing the UNSC resolutions regarding Palestine, and holding the Zionist occupation accountable for its crimes. It reaffirms its absolute support for the Palestinian people, and its commitment to working toward putting an end to their suffering so that they can achieve their freedom and obtain their full rights to self-determination and to a decent life, like the other peoples of the world.