ALECSO Director-General participates in the Maghreb Regional Forum on “Digital Transformation and SDG4 Implementation Follow-up”

ALECSO Director-General participates in the Maghreb Regional Forum on “Digital Transformation and SDG4 Implementation Follow-up”


H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, participated, on February 19, 2024, in the Maghreb Regional Forum on “Digital Transformation and SDG4 Implementation Follow-up”, held under the patronage of H.E. Mr. Ahmed Hachani, Head of Government of Tunisia, and organized by the UNESCO Regional Office.  

The meeting was attended by H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ali Boughdiri, Tunisian Minister of Education, H.E. Dr. Musa Muhammad Al-Magarif, Libyan Minister of Education, H.E. Mr. Moctar Ould Dahi, Mauritanian  Minister of National Education and Reform of Education System, H.E. Mr. Balghith Joudi, Deputy Ambassador of Algeria to Tunisia, H.E. Mr. Bajja Adil, Director of Strategy, Statistics and Planning at the Moroccan Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports, H.E. Mr. Eric Falt, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office of the Maghreb, and H.E. Mr. Arnaud Peral, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations for Tunisia.

Addressing the meeting, the Director-General stressed that ALECSO, as a member representing the Arab Group, jointly with Saudi Arabia and Yemen, in the SDG4-Education 2030 High-Level Steering Committee, is committed to working on following up the implementation of the outcomes of the “UN Transforming Education Summit” in the Arab region.  Future actions, he added, will be centered around the five Pillars adopted by the Summit, with emphasis on facilitating cooperation among the relevant partners, conducting effective follow-up of the execution of the Summit’s resolutions, and preparing a progress report to be incorporated into the general report of the Steering Committee.  

The Director-General indicated that ALECSO is working with Arab States to develop policies and programs designed to enhance education response in emergency and crisis situations, and to build national strategies and action plans to accelerate transition towards inclusive quality education for all.  He recalled, in this regard, that ALECSO had devoted the 13th session of the Conference of Arab Education Ministers, hosted by Morocco in May 2023, to the topic of “The Future of Education and Digital Transformation in the Arab Countries,” 

The Director-General also recalled that ALECSO had implemented a series of events as part of its follow-up to the outcomes of the Transforming Education Summit. Foremost among these events were the First International Conference on “Learning Loss : Diagnosis and Remedies,” organized in October 2023 in cooperation with the Tunisian Ministry of Education, UNICEF, UNESCO, and other international organizations, as well as the Regional Symposium on Anticipating the Future of Education in Arab Countries, held in June 2023.