ALECSO attends General Assembly meeting of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture

ALECSO attends General Assembly meeting of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture


The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) took part in meeting of the General Assembly of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, held on February 16, 2024. 

The meeting was an opportunity to present the outcomes of the National Commission’s activities and its draft Action Plan for the year 2024. It also featured the announcement of the results of the Commission’s second awards program, in which ALECSO was actively involved in terms of design, preparation and jurying. ALECSO took this opportunity to congratulate the Moroccan National Commission on its successful implementation of this significant initiative.

Addressing the opening session on behalf of H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, Dr. Abdelfattah Lahjomri, Director of the Rabat-based Arabization Coordination Bureau, conveyed the Director-General’s greetings to all participants. He pointed out that the Moroccan National Commission is working to develop mechanisms for organized and effective coordination with international organizations. The Commission, he added, is also keen to support national and global efforts in vital areas related to education, culture, and science. It liaises with key governmental actors concerned with education, culture and science, and plays a vital role in highlighting Morocco’s achievements and enhancing its status, as well as in publicizing ALECSO’s mission, goals, and activities.

Dr. Lahjomri went on to stress that ALECSO attaches great importance to the work of Arab National Commissions, serving as a link between the Organization and the Member States’ relevant governmental institutions, universities, research centers, and experts. National Commissions also provide advice and contribute to implementing ALECSO’s activities and developing its plans for the future.

Dr. Lahjomri pointed out, in this regard, that ALECSO holds periodic meetings, every two years, for the Secretaries-General of Arab National Commissions to consult with them on the programs and projects to be submitted to the Executive Board and the General Conference for approval. These meetings are also an opportunity to share views on the programs and projects being implemented, and the extent to which they meet the needs and goals of Member States, and are aligned with new global developments in ALECSO’s fields of action.

Dr. Lahjomri concluded by commending the significant level of scientific and cultural cooperation between ALECSO and the Moroccan Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports in all areas of mutual interest. He conveyed the desire of the Director-General of ALECSO to scale up cooperation with Moroccan institutions and experts in all fields related to education, culture and science.