Director-General delivers ALECSO’s statement  at the World Conference on Culture and Arts Education

 Director-General delivers ALECSO’s statement   at the World Conference on Culture and Arts Education



H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, delivered, on February 14, 2024, the Organization’s statement at the UNESCO World Conference on Culture and Arts Education, convened on February 13-15, 2024, in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 

Speaking at the thematic session on “Partnerships and Financing in Support of Culture and Arts Education”, the Director-General reaffirmed ALECSO’s engagement in the global agenda of transforming education, especially the Roadmap for Arts Education, the Seoul Agenda, and the Arts Education Goals, which was the outcome of a participatory preparatory process.

The Director-General noted that the adoption of the UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education will constitute an essential tool for Member States to develop integrated strategies and policies that consolidate the cultural dimension in education systems. It will also help invest in developing skills and competencies, especially through culture and arts.

The Director-General indicated that ALECSO will continue to work jointly with Arab countries and international organizations in order to develop plans designed to strengthen linkages between culture and education in new, innovative ways. This would enable individuals to become more creative and to keep pace with the rapid evolution of technologies and work environments. It would accordingly enhance the contribution of culture and education to building inclusive, peaceful, flexible and innovative societies.

The Director-General stressed that ALECSO is working to strengthen partnerships among governments, civil society, the private sector, artists, as well as cultural and educational institutions in Arab countries. The aim is to design, implement and share best practices in terms of culture and arts education, and thus create significant momentum for implementing the outcomes of this conference.