ALECSO Director-General receives China’s Ambassador to Tunisia

ALECSO Director-General receives China’s Ambassador to Tunisia


H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, received, on January 31, 2024 at ALECSO headquarters in Tunis, H.E. Mr. Wan Li, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Tunisia.

The Director-General welcomed the Chinese Ambassador and his accompanying delegation, and thanked him for his interest in ALECSO and its programs in the educational, cultural and scientific fields. He commended the significant level of cooperation between ALECSO and China, with both parties having previously signed a cooperation agreement for the development of e-learning and the promotion of science and technology research.

For his part, the Chinese Ambassador thanked the Director-General for providing this opportunity to learn about ALECSO and its role and activities at the Arab and international levels. He commended the excellent relations between Chinese scientific institutions and ALECSO, which enables the Organization to benefit from the Chinese expertise in the fields of science, scientific research and technology, and expressed readiness to further enhance these relations.