ALECSO Business and Partnership Forum 2024  kicks off in Tunis

ALECSO Business and Partnership Forum 2024  kicks off in Tunis


The first session of the ALECSO Business and Partnership Forum kicked off on January 28, 2024 at ALECSO headquarters in Tunis, Tunisia. 

The opening session was attended by H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, and H.E. Mr. Mr. Hani bin Moqbil Al-Moqbil, Chairman of the ALECSO Executive Board and Chairman of the High Committee of the ALECSO Business and Partnership Forum.   Mr. Khemais Bouali, representative of H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ali Boughdiri, Tunisian Minister of Education, and a number of ambassadors, members of the diplomatic corps, members of the High Committee of the Forum, members of the Executive Council, as well as the Secretaries-General of National Commissions for Education, Culture and Science were also in attendance.

In his opening remarks, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, expressed his deep thanks and gratitude to H.E. President  Kaïs Saïed, President of the Republic of Tunisia, as well as to the Tunisian Government and people, for hosting the Organization and for providing all facilities and support to it. He also conveyed his deep thanks and gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and Crown Prince, HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, for all their initiatives in the service of the Arab Nation. Further thanks were extended to HRH Prince Badr bin Farhan Al Saud, Minister of Culture, Chairman of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Science and Culture. 

The Director-General pointed out that the term ‘partnership’ has a key place in ALECSO’s goals and action plans, so that all ALECSO’s projects and initiatives are implemented in partnership with Arab institutions and organizations. He indicated, in this regard, that during the year 2023, 105 activities were implemented as part of 19 programs covering all educational, cultural and scientific sectors, and in partnership with over 200 Arab institutions.

The Director-General asserted that the Forum is designed to strengthen partnership among national and regional organizations and institutions, and to develop a new perception of partnership in a way that would promote the sharing of successful experiences among Arab countries, and build effective partnerships for the implementation of joint projects.

For his part, H.E. Mr. Hani bin Moqbil Al-Moqbil noted that achieving growth and sustainability requires moving forward on a straight path towards the future. He stressed that the Forum,  held in Tunisia, the cultural beacon over the centuries, constitutes a significant stride in promoting joint Arab action.

Mr. Khemais Bouali, who spoke on behalf of the Tunisian Education Minister, indicated that the Tunisian leadership is keen to harness all available capabilities and to unify Arab efforts in order to build a promising future for all Arab peoples, in a way that would promote their progress and excellence in all fields of education, culture and science. He stressed that the Tunisian State is proud to host ALECSO on its land, and that it will always work to enhance joint Arab action, including through the launch of this first edition of the ALECSO Business and Partnership Forum.