A sub-regional training course on  “Curriculum Design for Education for the Future in Arab Countries”

A sub-regional training course on   “Curriculum Design for Education for the Future in Arab Countries”



The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization held, on January 22-24, 2024 in Rabat, Morocco, jointly with the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, a sub-regional training course on “Curriculum Design for Education for the Future in Arab Countries”. 

The training course was opened by Mr. Osama Al-Habash, representative of ALECSO’s Education Department, and Dr. Karim Hamidouche, representative of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

The training course was designed to discuss ways to : 

  • Leverage ALECSO’s reference documents and expertise in developing general education in Arab countries, and adopt global standards for curriculum design in Arab countries;
  • Adopt the standards and mechanisms for designing, producing and disseminating electronic / digital curricula;
  • Promote the use of modern teaching and learning strategies for curriculum application; 
  • Develop content and learning environments for the proper application of the designed curricula.