ALECSO participates in the meetings of the  Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils

 ALECSO participates in the meetings of the   Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils



The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization took part in the meetings of the 45th  ordinary session of the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils, held in Cairo, Egypt, on December 20-21, 2023.

ALECSO was represented at this meeting by Dr. Mohamed Kamal, Director of the Cairo-based Institute of Arab Research and Studies.

The meeting discussed a range of issues, including the experiences of some Arab countries in the planning and implementation of scientific research policies, and the project to incorporate Arab journals into global databases.

A coordination meeting was held for the focal points of the “Arab Alliances for Scientific Research and Innovation” initiative. 

The winners of the annual Arab Food Security Award were announced and honored during this meeting.