ALECSO holds Forum on Entrepreneurship in Health Technology

ALECSO holds Forum on Entrepreneurship in Health Technology

Under the patronage of H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, the Department of Science and Scientific Research” held, on November 6-7, 2023 at ALECSO headquarters, the “Forum on Entrepreneurship in Health Technology : The Experience of Arab Migrant Minds and  Lessons Learned for Tunisian Startups”.

The Forum is designed to stimulate economic prospects and job opportunities for young people in the Arab world, enhance the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation among youth, and offer opportunities for entrepreneurs and developers to share experience and discuss issues related to their fields of work.

Addressing the opening session of the Forum, the Director-General underlined the importance of the Start-up and SME sector as a key driver of the economy.  He indicated that ALECSO is keen to stimulate entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation among Arab youth, so that they can serve better their societies and the world at large. He noted that the Forum offers young people an open space to interact with, and learn from,  experienced entrepreneurs and developers and discuss issues of concern to the Start-up community.

For his part, Dr. Mohammed Sanad Abu Darwish, Director of Science and Scientific Research, presented the Forum’s goals which are aligned with those of the ALECSO Action Plan 2023-2028, and those of the Arab Strategy for Scientific Research, Technology and Innovation. This Strategy, whose implementation has been entrusted to ALECSO in coordination with the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, calls for benefiting from Arab migrant minds, especially in terms of entrepreneurship and innovation, and learning from their experiences and success stories for developing innovative start-ups as drivers of sustainability in Arab societies. Through this Forum, he added, ALECSO seeks to boost the sense of creativity and innovation among young people, and to build linkages between the world of technology and the world of entrepreneurship.

The Forum featured an expert working session on “Challenges and Prospects of Health Technology,” which aimed to develop the broad lines of a future action plan on digital health technology. It also featured an interactive session with young entrepreneurs on the challenges of accessing markets and global investment funds, and ways of creating an enabling entrepreneurial environment for start-ups active in health technologies.