ALECSO launches capacity-building plan for the personnel of Mauritania’s Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport

 ALECSO launches capacity-building plan for  the personnel of Mauritania’s Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport



Under the high patronage of H.E. Mr. Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Agg, Mauritanian Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports, and Relations with Parliament, and H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, the capacity-building plan (2023-2025) for the personnel of the Ministry of Culture, Youth, Sports, and Relations with Parliament was launched on November 3, 2023 in Nouakchott, Mauritania.

Speaking on behalf of the Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports and Relations with Parliament, the Secretary-General of the Ministry underlined, during a ceremony held on this occasion,  the importance of cooperation with ALECSO, which yielded the capacity-building plan for the Ministry’s personnel. She thanked the Organization for its efforts and support, and the experts who prepared the plan, and indicated that the Ministry and ALECSO will work jointly for the implementation of the plan which involves holding courses and workshops in the areas of culture, youth and sports.

For his part, Eng. Khalaf Aloklah, speaking on behalf of the Director-General of ALECSO, expressed his thanks and appreciation to all the personnel of the Ministry of Culture, Youth, Sports and Relations with Parliament for their cooperation and efforts that culminated in the development of the capacity-building plan, designed to enhance the sectors of culture and sports and foster the role of youth in the development process. He pointed out that this plan is the fruit of a joint work between ALECSO and the Ministry, and that ALECSO will launch the implementation of the plan by organizing three simultaneous training courses in the fields of culture, youth and sports, targeting officials working in the ministry and in the regions. These courses are designed to hone their skills, strengthen their capabilities, and provide them with scientific and practical skills and expertise, which helps them develop programs and plans for the advancement of cultural, youth, and sports systems in Mauritania.

These courses, supervised and coordinated by Eng. Khalaf Aloklah, Training Programs Officer, were attended by over 60 participants who expressed their thanks and appreciation to ALECSO for the quality of training they received.