ALECSO statement on Gaza hospital massacre

ALECSO statement on Gaza hospital massacre


The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) followed with deep sorrow and astonishment the barbaric and bloody attack perpetrated by the Israeli occupation army on Al-Maamadani Hospital in Gaza, with no regard for the rights of defenseless children, women, elderly people, and innocent civilians. 

While following this bloody, barbaric massacre and the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization :

  1. Condemns, in the strongest terms, this massacre that undermined  human values and all international laws and conventions and wounded the conscience of humanity;


  1. Calls on the world community, international organizations, and all key actors, to promptly act to preserve the rights of children, women, the elderly, and the injured who were crushed by the war machine, and whose hospitals, schools, and public facilities have been destroyed. It hopes that the groanings of the sick and injured, and those stuck under the rubble, will reach the wise and honorable people of the world, so that the voice of reason and human conscience would prevail and come to the aid of the aggrieved;


  1. Reminds the world community and international organizations of the right of the children of Palestine to education, to health, and to a decent living, which has not been achieved amid the brutal war and systematic genocide to which the Palestinian people are exposed.


  1. Offers its sincere condolences to the entire Arab Nation and the steadfast Palestinian people in their occupied land. 

May Allah have mercy on the martyrs ! 

May Allah protect the Palestinian people and all peoples of our Arab Nation !