ALECSO Statement

 ALECSO Statement



The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) is following, with deep concern,  the current events taking place in the land of Palestine and the bloody attacks on the Gaza Strip. 

In line with the Arab position in this regard, as expressed by the League of Arab States, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) :

  1. Reaffirms its position in support of the valorous Palestinian people, and expresses its regret at the sad scenes left behind by the destructive attacks that targeted children and women, educational, cultural, and health institutions, as well as other infrastructures, and paralyzed public facilities,  which will leave children homeless and without school, in addition to the deep psychological impact left by the scenes of systematic devastation and destruction;


  1. Calls on all Arab and international organizations and institutions concerned with education, culture and science to stand with the right of the Palestinian children to a safe and secure education environment, which requires concerted efforts to help and support the Palestinian people to preserve their educational, cultural and health facilities;


  1. Calls on Arab countries and the international community to increase efforts to stop the targeting of  defenseless children and women and of educational facilities, and affirms the right of the Palestinian people to defend themselves and live in dignity on their land, in accordance with the relevant international charters and treaties.


May Allah protect the Palestinian people.