26th Conference on Archeology and Cultural Heritage  in the Arab World concludes in Morocco

 26th Conference on Archeology and Cultural Heritage   in the Arab World concludes in Morocco



The 26th Conference on Archeology and Cultural Heritage in the Arab World, held in the city of Fez and generously hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco, concluded on September 22, 2023 with a set of recommendations and a cable of thanks to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, King of Morocco.

The participants extended deep thanks and gratitude to the King, Government, and people of Morocco for the warm reception and generous hospitality. 

The participants :  

  1. Welcomed the offer made by the State of Qatar to host the 27th session of the Conference on Archeology and Cultural Heritage in the Arab World, whose theme and date will be determined in coordination with the State of Qatar and other Member States;


  1. Called on Arab countries to provide the Organization with the relevant laws and regulations as well as with a list of heritage and archeology experts, to be assembled by the Organization in one resource book that will be made available to all relevant stakeholders in the Arab countries so that they can best leverage the experience and expertise already acquired in the area of heritage and archeology;


  1. Called on the Permanent Bureau of the Conference on Archeology and Cultural Heritage in the Arab World to convene as soon as possible to draft its internal rules, and called on the Organization to circulate them to Member States so that they can contribute their proposals and views thereon, prior to their submission, in a final draft, to the Permanent Bureau at its next meeting;


  1. Called on the Organization to prepare a draft proposal for developing the work mechanisms of the Conference and circulate it to Member States so that they can contribute their views and proposals thereon;


  1. Called on the Organization to prepare a joint Arab project in the field of archaeological heritage, to be implemented between two sessions, and to reach out to Arab countries and all relevant partners to put this project into implementation. The project may involve an archaeological mission to an Arab site, a rescue plan in one of the Arab countries going through crises, or a training program on one of the issues relating to  archaeological heritage in Arab countries.


  1. Called on the Organization to prepare a study on the history of the Conference and the various themes it has addressed so far, as part of a continuous process of assessing the Conference and exploring its future prospects. This shall be done in cooperation with the Arab States that hosted the previous sessions of the Conference, especially the Kingdom of Morocco, Chair of the current session, and the State of Qatar, Chair of the next session. This study will be presented during the next (27th) session of the Conference;


  1. Called on the Arab countries to step up efforts to better make known the city of Al-Quds  and its rich archaeological heritage and deep-rooted Arab-Islamic identity, through digital media and scientific publications dealing with heritage and culture in general;


  1. Called on the Organization to circulate to the Member States the proposal to join the “ALECSO Chair for Archeology and Heritage” project, to serve as a scientific arm of the Permanent Bureau and the Conference;


  1. Called on the Organization and the Member States to increase efforts to enhance awareness of the importance of archeological and cultural heritage in the Arab world.

At the close of the Conference, the Participants addressed a cable of thanks and appreciation to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, King of Morocco. They also reiterated their condolences to the King and people of Morocco following the deadly earthquake that had recently hit parts of the country.