Invitation to follow Intel® AI Global Impact Festival 2023

Invitation to follow Intel® AI Global Impact Festival 2023



As part of its cooperation with Intel®, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) invites experts, researchers, teachers, young people, and all those interested in AI technologies to follow the “Intel® AI Global Impact Festival 2023”, to be held  on September 13-20, 2023.

Intel® AI Global Impact Festival 2023 is an annual Digital Readiness celebration for next-generation technologists, as well as academia, ecosystem, and government partners to showcase AI innovation and impact. 

The Festival aims to deploy AI technology through free educational programs and training courses supported by Intel®, with students participating in competitions through innovative projects, and teachers through innovative teaching and learning practices. 

This event also enables all participants in this Festival to follow the ceremony honoring the winners on September 14, 2023 (17.00 GMT), and to learn about the winning projects.  Prominent international experts will offer presentations on the latest developments in the field of artificial intelligence.

Click here to follow the festival :