الألكسو-أمانة المجلس التنفيذي والمؤتمر العام/قسم اللجان الوطنية العربية، تجري دورة تدريبية على منصتها التفاعلية والمكتبة الرقمية للجان الوطنية العربية لفائدة العاملين باللجنة الوطنية العراقية للتربية والثقافة والعلوم (2)

الألكسو-أمانة المجلس التنفيذي والمؤتمر العام/قسم اللجان الوطنية العربية، تجري دورة تدريبية على منصتها التفاعلية والمكتبة الرقمية للجان الوطنية العربية لفائدة العاملين باللجنة الوطنية العراقية للتربية والثقافة والعلوم (2)


The Arab National Commissions’ Section at the Secretariat of the Executive Board and General Conference of ALECSO organized, on September 4, 2023, a training course for the staff of the Iraqi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science. The course was held under the supervision of Dr. Mourad Mahmoudi, Secretary of the Executive Board and General Conference, and was directed by Eng. Safwan Al-Hakim, designer of the interactive platform of the Secretariat of the Executive Board and General Conference and the digital library of Arab National Commissions.

The staff of the Iraqi National Commission were trained on the use of :

  • The interactive platform, designed to serve as a space for participatory work between ALECSO (Secretariat of the Executive Board and General Conference) and the Arab National Commissions;
  • The digital library of Arab National Commissions, which would enable the Iraqi National Commission to share its scientific and intellectual publications as well as its research papers and studies.