Launch of the meeting to prepare the joint Arab inscription file on  “Customs and traditions associated with traditional marriage in the Arab world”

 Launch of the meeting to prepare the joint Arab inscription file on   “Customs and traditions associated with traditional marriage in the Arab world”



The first meeting of the joint Arab inscription file on “Customs and Traditions Related to Traditional Marriage in the Arab World,” kicked off in the capital of Djibouti, under the auspices of H.E. the Minister of Youth and Culture, and in the presence of the Secretary-General of the Djibouti National Commission for Education, Culture and Sciences. ALECSO was represented by Dr. Fethi Jerray, and Mr. Abdelhedi Ghemari from the Department of Culture.

This joint Arab file is prepared under the supervision of ALECSO. It is led by Djibouti and supported by the United Arab Emirates. It is expected to be prepared and submitted to UNESCO before the end of 2024.

In addition to Djibouti, Somalia and the Comoros, a group of Arab States were represented in the meeting, and expressed their willingness to engage in the preparation of this file, which reflects the rich and diverse heritage of Arab countries.

The meeting was also devoted to presenting the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, showcasing the efforts of ALECSO for safeguarding and protecting intangible cultural heritage, highlighting opportunities for international cooperation in this field, and setting a schedule for the remaining meeting for the finalization of the file.