ALECSO participates in Workshop on  Digital Transformation in Education and Training in Morocco 

ALECSO participates in Workshop on   Digital Transformation in Education and Training in Morocco 




The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization took part, virtually via Zoom, in the workshop on “Digital Transformation in Education and Training in Morocco”, organized, on June 15, 2023, by ESCWA jointly with the Moroccan Digital Development Agency. 

ALECSO was represented in this workshop by Dr. Mohamed Jemni, Director of the ICT Department, who delivered a presentation on ALECSO’s projects in the fields of technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital Transformation. 

Dr. Jemni offered a diagnosis about the current state of digital transformation in the Arab region, based on data and statistics provided by the ALECSO Observatory on digital technologies and the Arab world’s degree of preparedness for digital transformation. He then presented some of ALECSO’s current projects designed to promote digital transformation in the Arab world, including the project to establish a unified Arab Blockchain-based certificate authentication  system, the project to promote AI education in Arab schools, and the project to familiarize Arab youth with Metaverse and NFT technologies and digital entrepreneurship, in addition to ALECSO's initiative presented at the UN Transforming Education Summit, convened in September 2022.