ALECSO holds meeting of the Permanent Bureau of the  Conference on Archeology and Cultural Heritage in the Arab World 

 ALECSO holds meeting of the Permanent Bureau of the   Conference on Archeology and Cultural Heritage in the Arab World 



The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization held, on June 12-13, 2023 at its headquarters in Tunis, the meeting of the Permanent Bureau of the Conference on Archeology and Cultural Heritage in the Arab World, with the participation of all members of the Bureau, namely :

  • Mauritania (Chair)
  • Morocco (Vice-Chair)
  • Bahrain (Rapporteur)
  • Tunisia (Member)
  • Iraq (Member)
  • Egypt (Member)

The meeting was devoted to following up the implementation of the recommendations adopted at the 25th session of the Conference, kindly hosted by Mauritania in November 2021. It also discussed the main theme and sub-themes of the next session and the ongoing preparations for this session to be kindly hosted by Morocco in September 2023.

The meeting was held in implementation of the recommendation included in the Final Report of the 25th  session of the Conference, which called on ALECSO to review the workings of the Conference and its Permanent Bureau toward more efficiency in order to come out with joint Arab projects to be implemented during the period between two sessions. 

The meeting discussed the relevant proposals and visions put forward by Arab countries, and agreed on a number of ideas to be formulated in the form of a proposal aimed at developing the work of the Conference, and then submitted to the next session in Morocco.

The meeting also presented and discussed the preliminary recommendations of the Fourth Arab Forum on Cultural Heritage, jointly organized by ICCROM-Sharjah and ALECSO. The meeting commended this cooperation and called for further developing  it and diversifying its fields.

The recommendations issued by the Forum will be submitted to the next session of the Conference on Archeology and Cultural Heritage in the Arab World, which will consider ways of following up their implementation.