119th  meeting of ALECSO Executive Board kicks off in Tunis

119th  meeting of ALECSO Executive Board kicks off in Tunis


The 119th session of the Executive Board of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) kicked off on June 3, 2023 at ALECSO headquarters in Tunis, in the presence of Member States’ representatives in the Executive Board, including the representative of Syria, after Syria’s return to the Arab League. 

The two-day meeting is devoted to reviewing the outcomes and outputs of ALECSO’s work over the past period and the future prospects; following up the implementation of the resolutions of the 26th session of the General Conference, and the resolutions of the 117th session of the Executive Board;  addressing the educational, cultural and scientific conditions in the State of Palestine and Al-Quds and the threats facing them, and examining the reports and recommendations of the specialized ministerial conferences.

The current session also discusses the proposals made by some Member States, including the proposal of Saudi Arabia to launch the ALECSO Forum for Business and Partnerships, and the project of the “Arab Observatory for Translation”.

H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, briefed the meeting on ALECSO’s activities implemented in 2022 and its programs for the future. He highlighted the Organization’s key achievements at the technical, educational, cultural, scientific and financial levels, indicating that “157 activities were scheduled in the 2022 budget, of which 111 activities (71%) were actually implemented, which is a positive indicator that ALECSO seeks to improve in the financial cycle 2023-2024. He underlined the need for continued coordination and enhanced joint Arab action in order to ensure a better future for the coming generations in the fields of education, culture and science.

For his part, H.E. Mr. Hani Al-Moqbel, Chairman of the Executive Board, recalled  that three months ago, ALECSO organized, jointly with the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, the “Future of Education, Science and Culture International Organizations Forum”, kindly hosted by Saudi Arabia on March 8, 2023, under the theme of  “Together Towards Impact in the 21st Century”. He commended this qualitative initiative by ALECSO, the first of its kind in the history of the Organization.   

Looking forward to a greater role being played by ALECSO,  the Chairman of the Executive Board said : “We all believe in our capabilities and our potential, and in the visions for development that we share and seek to achieve. All this can only prompt us to step up efforts, increase joint action, and enhance our presence.”