First Coordination Meeting on Preparation of  Manual of Ethics for Scientific Research and Artificial Intelligence 

First Coordination Meeting on Preparation of   Manual of Ethics for Scientific Research and Artificial Intelligence 


The first coordination meeting of the Committee in charge of preparing the Manual of Ethics for Arab Scientific Research and Artificial Intelligence was held, via Zoom, on May 15, 2023. This project is being implemented by ALECSO’s Department of Science and Scientific Research.

Chairing the meeting, H.E. Dr. Mohammed Sanad Abu Darwish, Director of the Department of Science and Scientific Research, stressed that ALECSO seeks, through this initiative, to develop a manual that guarantees the adoption of proper research practices, and serves a reference in terms of scientific research ethics 

The meeting was attended by relevant experts from across the Arab world.

During this meeting, a plan was developed to begin drafting the first version of the Manual, scheduled to be adopted in late 2023.