ALECSO Observatory issues second Statistical Report

ALECSO Observatory issues second Statistical Report


The ALECSO Observatory has recently released its second Statistical Report (March 2023), which includes data on nearly 250 indicators, collected from reliable, high-quality international sources that enable comparisons among countries and regions. 

The Report comprises two parts : Part 1 includes general demographic, developmental and economic data and indicators related to youth and women. Part 2 follows up the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the areas of education, culture, science and ICT.

The Report highlights the importance of data availability and its impact on evaluation processes. It provides a detailed assessment of the latest data and indicators on progress in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the areas of action of ALECSO. 

The Report reveals that several Arab countries are still lagging behind in the implementation of many crucial goals, including those related to research and development and quality education for all. It suggests developing more adequate and better focused policies and programs to meet the goals and targets of sustainable development.