ALECSO organizes Symposium on “The Use of Technology  for Sustainable Education during Crises and Disasters”

ALECSO organizes Symposium on “The Use of Technology  for Sustainable Education during Crises and Disasters”


The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ICT Department) organizes, jointly with the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, a symposium on “The Use of Technology  for Sustainable Education during Crises and Disasters”. This event will be held virtually via Zoom on March 28, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. (Tunis time).

The symposium will discuss technology-based solutions to address learning gaps during crises and disasters, and ways to improve preparedness and response to future emergencies. It will also review the opportunities produced by past crises that prompted educational institutions to integrate e-learning into the education process, which has now become a pressing need to ensure quality learning outcomes.

The symposium will be broadcast live on ALECSO’s Facebook page via the following link: