Future of Education, Science and Culture International Organizations Forum kicks off in Riyadh

Future of Education, Science and Culture International Organizations Forum kicks off in Riyadh


The Future of Education, Science and Culture International Organizations Forum, kindly hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, kicked off on March 8, 2023. 

At the opening session, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, offered the following remarks :


Your Excellency Mr. Yousef Al-Bunyan, Minister of Education;

Your Excellency Mr. Rakan Al-Tawq, Assistant Minister of Culture;

Ms. Costanza Farina, Representative of the Director-General of UNESCO;

Your Excellency Dr. Salem Al-Malik, Director-General of ICESCO;

Your Highnesses and Excellencies;

Your Excellency Mr. Hani bin Moqbel, Chairman of ALECSO Executive Board;

Your Excellency Mr. Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Alblihed, Secretary-General of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science;

Your Excellencies Secretaries-General of Arab National Commissions;

Scholars, Experts, and Media professionals;

Distinguished guests,

Allow me at the outset to express my deep thanks and gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the country of genuine Arab generosity, led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and Crown Prince, HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman, may God protect them, for the valuable and continuous support provided by the Kingdom to ALECSO, being the largest institution of joint Arab action. Thanks are also due to the Kingdom for its generous support to scholars and intellectuals, as well as for providing best conditions for the success of this unique global event.

I also wish to extend my thanks to HH Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan, Saudi Minister of Culture, for his close and continued follow-up of ALECSO’s programs, projects and activities, including this forum which has enhanced the Organization's presence in the international arena.

I wish to extend my thanks to the Chairman of the Executive Board of ALECSO, H.E. Mr. Hani bin Moqbel, for the promising, creative and quality initiatives he has launched since he assumed the presidency of the Board in July 2021, including this commendable initiative that will certainly open up promising prospects. This initiative has, in fact, enabled ALECSO to strengthen partnership between Arab countries and the members of their Executive Board, and to transfer the model of this partnership to the international arena; thereby creating an international platform for consultation and discussion on ways of strengthening cooperation and building partnerships that serve the future of Mankind in the educational, cultural and scientific  fields.

Highnesses, Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Saudi Arabia’s adoption of ALECSO’s initiative to launch this Forum, its prompt, effective and motivating response to it, and its acceptance to kindly host this event, will certainly upgrade the role of the Organization so that it can move forward and step into a new stage in terms of action at regional and global levels, after its role was confined for 53 years to the Arab region.  This falls in line with ALECSO’s deep awareness of the 21st century’s requirements that go beyond the tools and means of the past centuries. When we look to the future, we, in fact, look to the opportunities that we must all seek to leverage.


Highnesses, Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This Forum has managed to combine the past, present and future in a “smart equation” (shared vision + cooperation = opportunities), laying the ground for a new system that would expand the scope of action of organizations working in the fields of education, culture and science.  This is all the more true given that this Forum involves the participation of six sectors, namely: ICT, the private sector, financial institutions and development banks, academic bodies, the non-profit sector, and venture capital and social investment. We are firmly convinced that the future of the international community can be shaped only by common visions from all stakeholders.


Highnesses, Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

To conclude, I would like to renew my thanks to HH Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud, Minister of Culture and President of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science. To this Commission, I wish to extend my thanks for its valuable cooperation with the Organization to provide best conditions for the success of this Forum. 

My thanks also go to all those present for having accepted our invitation, and to all media representatives for covering this important global event.

I wish our Forum will be crowned with success and achieve the desired goals.

Thank you for your attention.