ALECSO Executive Board commends the initiative of convening the “Future of Education, Science, and Culture International Organizations Forum”

 ALECSO Executive Board commends the initiative of convening the “Future of Education, Science, and Culture International Organizations Forum”


Ahead of the launch of the “Future of Education, Science, and Culture International Organizations Forum” (FESCIOF),  to be held on March 8-9, 2023 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, under the theme of “Together for Impact in the 21st Century”, the Executive Board of ALECSO has issued the following statement :

The Executive Board of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization :


  • Expresses its thanks and appreciation to the Chair of the Executive Board, Mr. Hani bin Moqbel, for his initiative to launch the inaugural edition of the  “Future of Education, Science, and Culture International Organizations Forum” (FESCIOF), organized by ALECSO jointly with the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, under the theme of: “Together for Impact in the 21st Century”. This initiative is of significant importance in that it empowers ALECSO to lead joint global action in its fields of action in partnership with other relevant international organizations, and opens up prospects for strategic partnerships among these organizations to meet the challenges of the 21st century in a world marked by escalating crises, risks, and disasters;




  • Expresses its thanks to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its generous hosting of the Forum, to be convened in Riyadh on March 8-9, 2023, and commends the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science for its cooperative efforts in the preparation of this event, which will be held with the participation of prominent experts, global leaders, and decision-makers interested in educational, cultural and scientific affairs and committed to continued joint action;




  • Expresses thanks to the Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization, to H.E. Mr. Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Alblihed, Secretary-General of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, and his working team, for the excellent preparation of the Forum and  for providing best conditions for its success;




  • Commends the positive response and participation of international and regional organizations and experts, and their support for this Forum which offers increased opportunities for joint action;


Calls on ALECSO to build upon the Forum’s reference documents and outcomes when implementing the General Conference Resolution, adopted at the 26th session, on mandating the Executive Board to prepare and adopt a strategic plan for increasing ALECSO’s international cooperation and partnerships, diversifying its sources of self-financing, and promoting its visibility.