Launch of activities of ALECSO’s Ambassador for Arab Culture at the international level from the Arab World Institute in Paris

Launch of activities of ALECSO’s Ambassador for Arab Culture at the international level from the Arab World Institute in Paris

The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) has launched the activities of its Ambassador for Arab Culture, HH Sheikha Alyazia bint Nahyan Al Nahyan, at the international level, from the headquarters of the Arab World Institute in  Paris. 

This event was attended by Mr. Jack Lang, President of the Arab World Institute in Paris,  Mr. Maadhad Hareb Al Khaili, Ms. Shamsa Nasser Al Khaili, Mr. Ahmed Al Mulla, Deputy Head of Mission at the UAE Embassy in Paris, Dr. Ahmado Habibi, expert at ALECSO, and Ms. Afifa Zayadi, ALECSO’s Representative to UNESCO. A number of Arab ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps, and over 400 prominent figures,  lovers of culture, cinema and art, and media professionals were also in attendance.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Jack Lang thanked ALECSO for having chosen the Arab World Institute to organize this event, and commended the Ambassador for Arab Culture for her valuable efforts and for the significant projects she has adopted to develop art, culture, and the film industry.

In a statement he delivered on behalf of Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, Dr. Ahmadou Habibi welcomed all participants to that international cultural event that reflected ALECSO’s keen interest in promoting cooperation, exchange and interaction between the Arab culture and other cultures of the world. He underlined the prominent role played by ALECSO in serving Arab culture and highlighting its true image worldwide as a culture of peace and dialogue. ALECSO, he added, seeks to build channels of communication with other cultures of the world, and to lay the foundations for a human-centered cultural project. It also works to support an integrated process for drawing up policies for social integration and sustainable development, based on the influence and power of culture, and for developing inclusive, culture-based plans designed to promote social wellbeing and civil peace in the Arab region and around the world.

Dr. Habibi thanked all the parties involved in the organization of this event, and stressed ALECSO’s pride in and appreciation for all the activities and initiatives launched by HH the Ambassador for Arab Culture to serve Arab cultural unity and promote joint Arab cultural action.

The program of this event involved the honoring of a number of prominent Arab artists and creators, in addition to artistic performances and a seminar on the history of Arab cinema and its role in promoting Arab culture in its diverse expressions.