9th Arab Forum for Scientific Research and Sustainable Development  concludes with Final Declaration

9th Arab Forum for Scientific Research and Sustainable Development   concludes with Final Declaration



The 9th session of the Arab Forum for Scientific Research and Sustainable Development, organized in Muscat, Oman, under the theme of “The Role of Arab Female Researchers in Sustainable Development”, concluded, on January 31, 2023, with a Final Declaration that included a number of recommendations calling for advancing science in the Arab world and providing greater opportunities for Arab female researchers to serve Arab societies.

The Declaration reads as follows :

“Participants in the 9th session of the Arab Forum for Scientific Research and Sustainable Development, organized by the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation of the Sultanate of Oman, held on January 30-31, 2023 in Muscat, Oman, under the theme of ‘The Role of Arab Female Researchers in Sustainable Development’, express their sincere thanks and gratitude to the Sultanate of Oman for hosting this Forum, and for the warm welcome and generous hospitality.  They extend their deep thanks and gratitude to H.E. Dr. Rahma bint Ibrahim Al Mahrooqi, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, H.E. Dr. Madeeha bint Ahmed Al-Shibaniyah, Minister of Education and President of the Omani National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, and H.E. Ms. Amna Al Balushi, Secretary of the Omani National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, for having sponsored and attended the Forum, which has had a great impact in mobilizing many experts, academics and other interested people.

Participants also convey their sincere thanks to the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, and to its Director-General, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, for their valuable initiative to organize this important Forum. They extend their thanks to all ministries and all Arab, regional and international, organizations and institutions that took part in the Forum. Thanks are also due to all experts who contributed valuable papers that enriched the Forum with high-quality ideas, contents and analyses.

During this Forum, 38 papers were presented, followed by extensive discussions.  Participants came out with the following recommendations : 


  • Make “Arab female researchers” a permanent item on the agenda of the future sessions of the Forum;
  • Call on ALECSO to create an Arab Female Researchers Network;
  • Call for establishing an annual Arab Award for Arab Female Researchers;
  • Call on Arab media institutions to devote media programs to highlighting the role of Arab female researchers in Arab and international forums;
  • Establish funding programs to support interdisciplinary research;
  • Call on ALECSO, jointly with relevant Arab institutions, bodies and organizations, to work on establishing scientific exchange programs among Arab universities and research institutions for Arab female researchers.


In conclusion, participants extend their sincere thanks to ALECSO’s Department of Science and Scientific Research, represented by its director, Dr. Mohammad Sanad Abu Darwish, and its staff members.  Thanks are also due to all the participating Arab organizations, especially H.E. Dr. Ibrahim El Dukheri, Director-General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, and H.E. Dr. Abdel Majeed Benamara, Secretary-General of the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils, to all journalists and media professionals, as well as to the scientific, technical and organizing committees for the excellent organization of this event.