ALECSO holds training workshop on  “Improving the international ranking of Arab universities”

 ALECSO holds training workshop on   “Improving the international ranking of Arab universities”



In cooperation with the Jordanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization held, on January 24-26, 2023 in Amman, Jordan, a training workshop on “Improving the international ranking of Arab Universities.” 

In his opening remarks, Dr. Rami Iskander, Director of the Education Department, conveyed the greetings and thanks of H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, to H.E. Minister of Education and H.E. Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Jordan, as well as to the Jordanian National Commission and the University of Jordan, for their valuable cooperation and significant efforts to hold and host this important workshop.  He noted that the importance of international rankings lies in the application of specific standards that help universities develop their academic abilities and activities, indicating that ALECSO seeks, through these workshops, to help Arab universities improve their international ranking.

The three-day workshop, which was attended by officials in charge of quality and international ranking from Jordanian universities, addressed a range of relevant topics. 

Day One focused on the importance of international university rankings, the Berlin Principles, the main ranking agencies, the ranking criteria, and the global ranking of Jordanian and Arab universities. 

Day Two addressed the ranking methodologies and the diverse sources of data used for ranking, including global research databases (Scopus & Clarivate), questionnaires filled by target groups, data from universities, websites, and universities’ policies and plans to improve their ranking.

Day Three discussed the regulations related to global scientific publication of research and training, international cooperation for the improvement of ranking, mechanisms for developing university performance, and the main challenges faced in this regard.