ALECSO participates in UNESCO’s SDG 4 High-Level Steering Committee

ALECSO participates in UNESCO’s SDG 4 High-Level Steering Committee


The meeting of the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee kicked off on December 8, 2022, at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. 

The meeting is designed to follow-up on the outcomes of the “Transforming Education Summit”,  held in September 2022 at the United Nations headquarters in New York, most notably :

  • High-level political commitment from countries to transform education;
  • Vision of the UN Secretary-General on transforming education;
  • A global movement to transform education;
  • A global call for investment in education;
  • Global initiatives to mobilize more financial, technical and political support at country level for the implementation of the Summit’s outcomes.

Action will be based on five pillars:

  • From commitments to actions at the level of each country;
  • Ensure that education is a key element in drawing up a charter for the future;
  • A global movement to transform education, bringing together youth, private sector, teachers, civil society, advocates and friends of education;
  • Transforming education financing, by bringing about a fundamental shift in the prevailing concepts, practices and choices related to financing education;
  • Global initiatives launched during the Transforming Education Summit.

ALECSO was represented in this event by Mr. Hechmi Ardhaoui, and Mrs. Afifa Zayadi.