ALECSO participates in UNESCO Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Education

 ALECSO participates in UNESCO Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Education


The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization took part, on December 5-6, 2022,  in the UNESCO International Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Education, held virtually by UNESCO, in collaboration with the Chinese Ministry of Education, under the theme of “Steering AI to empower teachers and transform teaching”. 

The Forum, which was attended by a number of Education Ministers and Senior Officials from around the world, addressed the following sub-themes:

  • Strategies for leveraging AI to enable digital transformation of education
  • Steering AI by design to empower teachers and transform teaching and learning
  • Defining and developing teachers' competencies needed to work in AI-rich education settings
  • Global partnership for centering the most marginalized with priorities for developing countries.

ALECSO was represented in this Forum by Dr. Mohamed Jemni, Director of ICT Department. During a Parallel Session entitled  “AI innovations to support teacher professional development and collaboration”,  Dr. Jemni offered a presentation in which he highlighted ALECSO’s main projects and initiatives in the fields of Technology, Digital Transformation, and Artificial Intelligence.