ALECSO Director-General pays visit to  Arab Maghreb Union Secretary-General in Rabat

ALECSO Director-General pays visit to   Arab Maghreb Union Secretary-General in Rabat


The Secretary-General of the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), Mr. Taïeb Baccouche, received, on November 28, 2022, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO and his accompanying delegation.

The meeting was an opportunity to review programs and projects related to education, culture, Arabic language promotion, and heritage preservation. 

The two sides agreed to revise and update the agreement between ALECSO with the AMU General Secretariat.

The meeting was attended by Mrs. Basma Soudani, Director of Political Affairs, Information and Cabinet at AMU,  Mr. Mohamed Mahmoud Sheikh Mukhtar, Director of Human Development at AMU, Dr. Abdelfattah Lahjomri, Director of the Arabization Coordination Bureau, and Mr. Abdelhadi Ghemari, Program Coordinator at ALECSO Culture Department.