ALECSO Director-General participates in the  9th UNAOC Global Forum in Morocco

ALECSO Director-General participates in the   9th UNAOC Global Forum in Morocco



H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, took part, on November 22, 2022, in the city of Fez, Morocco, in the “9th United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Global Forum”. 

The Forum was attended by prominent personalities, including the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres.

In his statement on this occasion, the Director-General emphasized that education is an effective tool for consolidating the values ​​of tolerance, solidarity, coexistence, and global citizenship education. This, he added, “has prompted us to attach special importance to curriculum design for proper social upbringing, by insisting that school curricula include objective and sound approaches about human civilizations with their various components”. He also stressed that “culture is a key means of promoting awareness of the alliance of civilizations, given the role of culture in shaping human relationship with the universe, and in influencing people’s daily behavior”.

The Director-General indicated, in this regard, that ALECSO has launched a number of child- and youth-oriented programs and activities, and hosted several meetings and conferences concerned with tolerance, inter-civilizational dialogue, and international solidarity, as part of promoting openness to other cultures.  ALECSO has also worked to enhance the movement of scientific and literary translation from European languages ​​into Arabic, in an endeavor to strengthen scientific and cultural linkages between the Arab world and other regions of the world .

The Director-General underlined that the alliance of civilizations cannot be sustainable, in the context of preserving cultural diversity, unless it is based on common convictions, global values, and mutual commitments among governments, organizations, and intellectual and cultural elites towards the human community, as part of regional partnerships in areas of common interests that transcend geographical boundaries and establish bridges among different cultures.

The UNAOC Global Forum, a global event attended by high-ranking personalities, including ministers, parliamentarians, diplomats and religious leaders, is designed to promote dialogue and cooperation among different societies, cultures and civilizations, and build bridges among peoples and cultures.