The Institute of Arabic Manuscripts organizes Training Workshop on  “The Management of Arab Heritage and its Institutions” 

The Institute of Arabic Manuscripts organizes Training Workshop on   “The Management of Arab Heritage and its Institutions” 


The Institute of Arabic Manuscripts organized, on October 23-25, 2022 in Cairo, Egypt, jointly with the Arab Organization for Administrative Development, a training workshop on “The Management of Arab Heritage and Its Institutions”.

In his statement on this occasion, Dr. Mourad Rifi, Director of the Institute, indicated that the workshop is designed to promote the use of scientific rules and principles in the management of Arab heritage and its institutions. He called for unifying efforts to meet the goals and objectives pursued by the relevant institutions.

Two scientific meetings were held as part of this event, focusing on “the management of Arab efforts to promote printed Arab heritage”, and on “ways of preparing an Arab plan for the management of manuscript heritage”.