ALECSO organizes Training Course on the role of digital learning in developing educational systems and serving society

ALECSO organizes Training Course on the role of digital learning in developing educational systems and serving society



The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization held, on October 19, 2022, jointly with the Tunisian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, a training course on the role of digital learning in developing life and work skills, and the ways of its incorporation into educational curricula and practices. 

The training course, moderated by experts from the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, is designed to make known the services of this bank and its impact on the academic and non-academic community. It also aims to improve the international ranking of universities, and to provide an overview of the learning system used in some Egyptian schools and universities, along with a detailed presentation of the educational and technical standards for the production of online courses and online examination programs, and their impact on the quality of educational outputs.