ALECSO participates at 33rd  session of the Council of Arab Ministers in charge of Environmental Affairs, 58th meeting of the Executive Bureau, and 23rd session of the Technical Committee on the Environment

ALECSO participates at 33rd  session of the Council of Arab Ministers in charge of Environmental Affairs, 58th meeting of the Executive Bureau, and 23rd session of the Technical Committee on the Environment


At the invitation of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States (Economic Sector), ALECSO took part in the 33rd session of the Council of Arab Ministers in charge of Environmental Affairs, chaired by the Kingdom of Morocco, the 58th meeting of the Executive Bureau, chaired by the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the 23rd session of the Technical Committee on the Environment. 

ALECSO was represented in these meetings by Dr. Mohammad Sanad Abu-Darwish, Director of the Department of Science and Scientific Research. 

The meetings were held on October 16-20, 2022, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Cairo, Egypt, with the participation of representatives from Arab States and relevant regional and international organizations.

This session is designed to enhance joint Arab action in the field of climate change, and to support the Arab Group’s efforts to protect common interests in the face of climate change issues and challenges.

The session agenda included key items, including :

  • Follow-up on the implementation of the resolutions adopted by the 32nd  session of the Council of Arab Ministers in charge of Environmental Affairs;
  • Review of the activities of the Technical Secretariat between the two sessions of the Council;
  • Follow up on international agreements and meetings related to the environment.

The Committee put forward a number of proposals, including:

  • A proposal to organize preparatory meetings in the first quarter of 2023, jointly with relevant Arab and regional organizations and civil society institutions, to follow up the implementation of activities and programs pertaining to the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda, ahead of the organization of the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development and the High-level Global Political Forum on Sustainable Development in 2023. 


  • A proposed agenda of the 33rd session of the Council of Arab Ministers in charge of Environmental Affairs, scheduled to kick off on October 20, 2022 at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, and a proposed theme for the Arab Environment Day (2022-2023) : “Together for Green Recovery”.

The Technical Committee meeting concluded by thanking the Arab experts for their significant contribution to the work of the Committee, and by announcing the Egyptian city of al-Kharga as Arab Environment Capital for the year 2022.