ALECSO participates in Arab Document Day celebration

ALECSO participates in Arab Document Day celebration


The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, represented by the Cairo-based Institute of Arabic Manuscripts, took part in the celebration of the Arab Document Day, organized by the League of Arab States in Cairo, Egypt, under the patronage of H.E. Secretary-General, Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and under the theme of “Arab Archives: A bridge for communication between peoples.” 

In his statement on this occasion, delivered on his behalf by Dr. Mourad Rifi, Director of the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts, Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, highlighted the Organization’s vision with regard to the theme of the celebration, and reviewed the efforts and initiatives undertaken by ALECSO to promote intercultural communication.

Following the celebration of the Arab Document Day, ALECSO took part in the fourth meeting of the Executive Committee of the unified Arab strategy for the recovery of looted, stolen and transferred archives by foreign and colonial countries.