ALECSO celebrates International Literacy Day

ALECSO celebrates International Literacy Day



As part of the commemoration of International Literacy Day, celebrated on September 8th of each year, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) took part in the celebration organized on this occasion at the seat of the Tunis University for Lifelong Learning, under the theme : “Tunisia : From Literacy to Lifelong Learning”. The celebration was organized in collaboration with the Tunisian Ministry of Social Affairs.

In a statement he delivered on behalf of H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, Dr. Rami Iskander, Director of the Education Department, highlighted the leading role played by ALECSO in combating illiteracy, through developing relevant plans and strategies, and providing advice and expertise in terms of planning and curriculum development. 

Dr. Iskander indicated that ALECSO has always worked to support and publicize successful Arab literacy experiences, especially in terms of developing adult education programs and strengthening continued learning systems to meet renewed knowledge and skills needs. The Organization, he added, incessantly stresses the necessity to best coordinate Arab and global efforts in order to develop practical solutions to combat illiteracy, by leveraging modern technologies to produce knowledge and make sure it is accessible to the largest number of beneficiaries.

Dr. Iskander underlined that ALECSO has been working to develop approaches, methodologies, programs, and training projects, and to link them to the expectations of trainees in their social, economic and cultural contexts; thereby ensuring quality education opportunities for all, especially for women and girls. It has also sought to build strong and sustainable public-private partnerships to provide the needed funding for the implementation of skill development programs.

For his part, Mr. Rafik Ben Brahim, Head of Cabinet at the Ministry of Social Affairs, stressed, in a statement he delivered on behalf of H.E. Mr. Malek Ezzahi, Tunisian Minister of Social Affairs, that the lifelong learning approach is not limited to school knowledge, but also encompasses professional skills. He indicated, in this regard, that the Ministry has launched a new initiative that responds to the Tunisian context and meets local needs, under the name : “Solidarity and Social Education Initiative.” He noted that the Ministry’s new strategy in terms of adult education is designed to transform illiterate persons into economic actors capable of joining the labor market and creating success stories.