ALECSO Director-General visits the Arabization Coordination Bureau in Rabat

ALECSO Director-General visits the Arabization Coordination Bureau in Rabat


On the sidelines of his participation in the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education, hosted by Morocco under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar paid a visit to the Arabization Coordination Bureau, a subsidiary institution of ALECSO.

The Director-General was briefed on the new dictionary projects that the Arabization Coordination Bureau is currently working on, especially in the fields of economics, finance, accounting, business and finance law, civil aviation, air navigation, and sports.

The Director-General commended, on this occasion, the efforts made by the staff and experts of the Arabization Coordination Bureau to produce unified trilingual dictionaries and to enrich the Arab lexical and linguistic research.