ALECSO Director-General gives interview  to Tunisian National Television

ALECSO Director-General gives interview  to Tunisian National Television

In a live interview given on June 3, 2022 on the Tunisian National Television, Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, highlighted the main outcomes and recommendations of the 26th meeting of the General Conference of ALECSO, held on May 21, 2022. He reviewed ALECSO’s key achievements and programs in recent years for the development of education in the Arab world, the promotion of scientific research, and the dissemination of the Arabic language, as well as for the Arabization of scientific and technical terms. He also highlighted the broad lines of ALECSO’s Action Plan for the coming period. 

During this interview, the Director-General stressed the need to develop an Arab plan in the field of knowledge and education, to promote distance education and digital literacy, and to increase spending on education, culture and technology which should rank high on the policy agendas of Arab States.