Closing of 26th session of ALECSO’s General Conference

Closing of 26th session of ALECSO’s General Conference

The 26th  ordinary session of the General Conference of ALECSO was brought to a close on May 21, 2022,  with the participation of delegations from Arab Member States, and under the chairmanship of the H.E. Dr. Hassanin Fadel Maaleh.

During this session, the reports of the specialized commissions for education, culture, science and information, as well as of national and financial committees, were presented.

In his closing remarks, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO,  expressed his pride in the constructive decisions and recommendations that came out of this meeting, which will empower the Organization to pursue more effectively its mandate in the service of joint Arab action.

The Director-General took this opportunity to reiterate his deep thanks to all Member States for their continuous support for the Organization so that it can accomplish  its educational, cultural and scientific mission with a renewed vision that meets the aspirations of Arab peoples and lives up to the expectations of Arab Leaders who have been offering continuous support for the Organization so that it can successfully pursue its mandate. 

The Director-General extended his thanks and appreciation to H.E. President Kaïs Saïed, President of the Republic of Tunisia, the host-country of ALECSO, for his personal support to the Organization, as well  to the Tunisian Government for providing adequate conditions for ALECSO’s successful implementation of its mandate.