ALECSO Director-General receives UNICEF Representative in Tunisia

ALECSO Director-General receives UNICEF Representative in Tunisia



A working session was held, on March 17, 2022 at ALECSO headquarters, between a team of ALECSO experts headed by the Director-General, Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, and a UNICEF delegation headed by Mrs. Marilena Viviani, Representative of UNICEF in Tunisia.

The meeting discussed cooperation between the two organizations. It included two PowerPoint presentations highlighting the activities and programs of the Education and ICT Departments that could constitute potential areas of partnership with UNICEF.  These areas  include remedial education, education on citizenship and human solidarity, life skills education, education in emergencies and crises, the use of artificial intelligence for environment protection, and the use of Blockchain technology for the authentication of Arab academic degrees and diplomas.

The UNICEF delegation offered a presentation on the activities undertaken by the UNICEF Office in Tunisia, as part of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. Priority is given to curbing the spread of poverty which hinders primary school completion and increases school dropout rates. UNICEF’s actions, in this regard, involves providing basic equipment for rural primary schools, implementing specific educational activities, supporting the creation of second-chance education facilities, promoting educational planning, and improving the quality of education through modernizing curricula and supporting the training of inspectors.

The two sides discussed a range of programs of mutual interest, including in particular remedial education, training of trainers, and the modernization of curricula.

A technical meeting will be organized between the two Organizations’ experts to explore and identify joint field-based activities.