ALECSO and the League of Arab States - Tunis Center organize   Symposium on “Illegal Immigration in the Arab World”

ALECSO and the League of Arab States - Tunis Center organize    Symposium on “Illegal Immigration in the Arab World”



The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) hosted a hybrid international symposium on “Illegal Immigration in the Arab World”, held jointly with the League of Arab States – Tunis Center. 

This event was attended by representatives from Arab and international organizations, including the United Nations, UNHCR, UNICEF, Arab Women Organization, Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization, Arab Institute for Human Rights, Union of Arab Academics, along with Arab experts and officials.

The symposium was inaugurated by H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, and H.E. Dr. Mohamed Saleh Ben Aissa, Assistant Secretary-General, President of the League of Arab States – Tunis Center. 

In his opening remarks, the Director-General indicated that migration is above all a humanitarian issue and a means of promoting joint development and the mutual and coordinated improvement of socioeconomic conditions. Migration, he added, should be viewed as a key component of the joint development strategy and a means of strengthening human fraternity and solidarity. He insisted that addressing the issue of migration requires increased cooperation between the countries of origin, reception and transit, in line with a comprehensive, balanced and integrated approach. He referred, in this context, to the issue of Palestinian refugees and highlighted the significant role undertaken by UNRWA.

On his part, Dr. Mohamed Saleh Ben Aissa indicated that illegal migration is a burning issue that is further exacerbated by the repercussions of armed conflicts in some Arab countries, which presents governments and peoples with considerable humanitarian, social and other challenges. He commended, in this regard, the efforts of the Arab League General Secretariat and of Member States to implement the New York Declaration, emphasizing the joint responsibility of countries of origin and reception to guarantee the human rights of all migrants.

The symposium discussed a range of themes pertaining to illegal migration, its causes and consequences, its repercussions on the Arab world, and the role of global organizations in tackling this issue. It also discussed the question of mixed migration and the continuing need for international protection and respect for human rights.