ALECSO releases Arabic translation of the book 

ALECSO releases Arabic translation of the book 


"Patrimoines mutilés: quel sauvetage pour le patrimoine mondial en péril?"


As part of its contribution to enriching the Arab library and highlighting threats to cultural heritage, ALECSO has recently issued an Arabic translation of Dr. Mounir Bouchenaki’s book entitled “Patrimoines mutilés: quel sauvetage pour le patrimoine mondial en péril?”  The translation was carried out by Dr. Souhail Chemli, from the University of Manouba, Tunisia.

Since it was first published in 2016, the 266-page book has received significant attention and has been translated into several languages. It contains many pictures, appendices and official documents. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, it includes four chapters in which the author reviews his long experience, within international organizations, in terms of saving cultural heritage, archaeological sites and historical monuments in times of wars and crises, and highlights the intellectual, political and media responses to this issue.