On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day :  ALECSO calls for a renewed vision on the sustainability of the right to education"

On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day :   ALECSO calls for a renewed vision on the sustainability of the right to education"


H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, inaugurated, on December 10, 2021 at ALECSO headquarters, the Forum on “Renewing the Vision for the Sustainability of the Right to Education”, held as part of the celebration of the International Human Rights Day.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Ould Amar indicated that COVID-19 has laid bare the existing knowledge, technological and material disparities among countries, peoples, and individuals. He underlined the importance of planning for the future and of being fully prepared to face crises, curb their effects, and address them with great efficiency in order to ensure people’s access to all their rights, including their right to education. 

Dr. Ould Amar stressed that ALECSO stands fully committed and ready to pursue coordination and cooperation with all relevant actors in order to deepen reflection on the future of education in the Arab countries, as part of a vision that respects human rights, seeks to develop this right in all its conceptual, legislative, political and technical dimensions, and strengthens the organic relationship between human rights and education. He urged governments and the relevant organizations and institutions to work toward a renewed vision for the sustainability of this right.

The opening session was attended by H.E. Dr. Moncef Boukthir, Tunisian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, who reaffirmed Tunisia’s commitment to work on developing education as a fundamental human right. 

Professors and relevant specialists from UAE, Tunisia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Palestine offered interventions in which they underlined the necessity of promoting joint work toward building a new vision for the future of education in order to ensure lifelong learning for all.