ALECSO Director-General pays visit to Tunisian Minister of Youth and Sports

ALECSO Director-General pays visit to Tunisian Minister of Youth and Sports


H.E. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO,  paid a visit, on  December 2, 2021, to H.E. Dr. Kamal Gueddich, Tunisian Minister of Youth and Sports.  He congratulated the Minister on his appointment to this position, wishing him every success in discharging his duties.

The Director-General expressed his appreciation of the rich cooperation between ALECSO and the Republic of Tunisia, and underlined ALECSO’s readiness to further enhance cooperation with the Ministry, in order to provide the needed care and attention for youth in the Arab World and offer them wider opportunities to express their views and ideas, and listen to them by organizing a youth forum. He indicated that ALECSO has suggested setting up a Permanent Advisory Committee on Youth, similar to other advisory committees in other sectors, to serve as a mechanism for consultation and dialogue on Arab youth’s priorities and aspirations.

On his part, the Minister thanked the Director-General for this visit, and expressed his support to this important proposal which coincides with the Ministry’s preparations to launch initiatives for the benefit of youth. He reaffirmed the support of the Tunisian President, Government and people to the Organization so that it can best fulfill its mandate.

At the conclusion of the meeting, it was agreed to hold a joint meeting to further discuss the proposal and develop mechanisms for its implementation, by signing a memorandum of understanding that reflects the goals shared by the two parties.