ALECSO Director-General meets President of the  Palestinian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science

ALECSO Director-General meets President of the   Palestinian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science



H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, met on November 16, 2021 in Paris, H.E. Dr. Ali Abu Zuhri, President of the Palestinian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science. The meeting was attended by H.E. Dr. Dawas Dawas, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Commission, and H.E. Ambassador Mounir Anastas, Permanent Delegate of the State of Palestine to UNESCO.

The Director-General reviewed the main activities implemented by ALECSO jointly with the Palestinian National Commission, expressing his satisfaction with the significant level of cooperation with Palestinian educational and cultural institutions that are in need of continuous support, especially in these difficult circumstances. He indicated that ALECSO stands ready to continue supporting Palestinian projects in the educational, cultural and scientific fields. 

The meeting addressed preparations for the Conference of Arab Education Ministers, scheduled to be held on November 23-25, 2021.

On his part, Dr. Abu Zuhri expressed his thanks to the Director-General for his support to the Palestinian files financed by the Organization, and for all ALECSO’s efforts to help provide adequate conditions for Palestinian educational and cultural institutions so that they can pursue their activities. He also addressed the difficult conditions in which the “Bethlehem, Capital of Arab Culture 2020” event is taking place, commending, in this regard, ALECSO’s support for this event.